Wednesday 24 October 2012

All hands on deck

Hello world!

A quick one today. As noted in The Final Countdown, 'the dirt track masquerading as a backyard, now looking like a semi backyard' has been enhanced by the addition of the great Aussie deck.

And given a deck without chairs is like duck without water, we've recently procured a few outdoor pieces to soak up the upcoming Aussie summer.

The chairs with the orange cushions are my favourite piece. I love them even more because we picked them up for next to nothing at Little Rose's school fete.
If the weather permits, I'm thinking Chrstmas lunch outside...and on that note, gaaah two more months till Christmas. Happy holiday season!
Until next time...Rose. xx  



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you my darling Teak. Look fwd to bathroom reno updates. x
